
I am absolutely wrecked

Posting from my xxx alt account for anonymity. I am a senior manager of a company I helped build. Over the past few years we went from being a market leader to struggling to meet our bills. There's been a lot of mistakes, trying to pivot into markets we weren't familiar with etc etc, but it all boils down to the directors megalomania and her greed. My disgruntlement comes from a new venture the director started, about 2 years ago I mentioned that this is going to be a resource heavy project and we should consider selling the initial company we had to both fund the new venture and to ensure we have the staff to execute it. She didn't want to let go of a profitable company, though gave no regard to her staff who she's over working and underpaying, me included. Then a bad hire proceeded to run…

Posting from my xxx alt account for anonymity.

I am a senior manager of a company I helped build. Over the past few years we went from being a market leader to struggling to meet our bills. There's been a lot of mistakes, trying to pivot into markets we weren't familiar with etc etc, but it all boils down to the directors megalomania and her greed.

My disgruntlement comes from a new venture the director started, about 2 years ago I mentioned that this is going to be a resource heavy project and we should consider selling the initial company we had to both fund the new venture and to ensure we have the staff to execute it. She didn't want to let go of a profitable company, though gave no regard to her staff who she's over working and underpaying, me included. Then a bad hire proceeded to run the initial business into the ground, despite me showing the director all the data to show how poorly managed it was under the new hires watch, she did nothing. By the time the new hire left we couldn't afford the replacement, not that she attended the interview for the replacement. So the extra work has landed on me. We made staff redundant, and the extra work has landed on me. I haven't had a pay rise, when I'm on leave I get constant messages and requests from the director and she is barely even contactable when I'm on the clock.

Today I had a creditor call me asking for payment and I just broke down crying. I can't handle this stress anymore, and if I leave I'll be homeless in 3 months. I'm invested in the company which was supposed to be my house deposit, my other savings give me about 3 months of living before it's gone.

I've always used my position to vouch for our staff, I've denied pay rises in favour of paying the rest more, even if the director is giving herself a $50k raise. I tried to play the game in the most compassionate way I could and now I'm a depressed miserable shell of a human. It's not worth it. Fuck work.

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