
“How would you handle me giving you an hour’s amount of work and asking you to do it in twenty minutes?”

This was a question presented to me at a job interview. In the moment, I said something like, “oh, well, I would prioritize, and work really hard and get it done.” Thinking in the back of my mind, “Huh. I do not think I want to take this job now.” After the interview I called them and declined and told them to proceed no further in the process. I have worked this kind of job before, btw, and I can tell you from personal experience that there is no scenario in which the aforementioned should ever happen. it is the kind of job where there is a lot of downtime and employees need to space their work out carefully. Any scenario in which someone is given an hour's worth of work and asked to do it within twenty minutes is one in which management has seriously procrastinated their own responsibilities…

This was a question presented to me at a job interview.

In the moment, I said something like, “oh, well, I would prioritize, and work really hard and get it done.”

Thinking in the back of my mind, “Huh. I do not think I want to take this job now.”

After the interview I called them and declined and told them to proceed no further in the process.

I have worked this kind of job before, btw, and I can tell you from personal experience that there is no scenario in which the aforementioned should ever happen. it is the kind of job where there is a lot of downtime and employees need to space their work out carefully. Any scenario in which someone is given an hour's worth of work and asked to do it within twenty minutes is one in which management has seriously procrastinated their own responsibilities and messed up significantly, and is willing to push it onto the people below them to play clean up.

Yeah, no thanks, I think I'll keep on looking.

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