
Everyone I know is struggling

I've given up on the thought of ever owning my own home. I am 29, I don't consume a lot, I hardly spend on anything other than basic necessities, bills and rent. I make close to minimum wage but jobs are so competitive its the only thing I can do right now. Housing prices are through the roof, everything is going up in price. All of my friends at similar ages to me are in the same position. None of us have our own home and we don't know of we ever will.

I've given up on the thought of ever owning my own home. I am 29, I don't consume a lot, I hardly spend on anything other than basic necessities, bills and rent. I make close to minimum wage but jobs are so competitive its the only thing I can do right now. Housing prices are through the roof, everything is going up in price. All of my friends at similar ages to me are in the same position. None of us have our own home and we don't know of we ever will.

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