
What is the point of doing a good job anymore

Seriously what’s the point. I am a person who did everything the “right” way. Earned a BS and a PhD in a STEM field and work in a top 10 science company making good money. But All along the way, it seems like the more and better work I do, the more disappointed my managers are that I’m not “doing more”. Or that I could somehow be better despite already outperforming. Im completely burned out to be honest, and don’t see a point in working hard or caring.

Seriously what’s the point. I am a person who did everything the “right” way. Earned a BS and a PhD in a STEM field and work in a top 10 science company making good money. But All along the way, it seems like the more and better work I do, the more disappointed my managers are that I’m not “doing more”. Or that I could somehow be better despite already outperforming. Im completely burned out to be honest, and don’t see a point in working hard or caring.

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