
First World problems… I just wanna play my game.

So this is basically just a (long) pointless rant because I felt the need to vent. I manage an Adult Store. My whole backstory is long and most would be uninterested (though some of it IS antiwork sort of stuff, so I might share some of it later), but the long story short is I worked basic retail for the company, cut myself down to very minimal part time when I got a better job, was offered to manage a store. The 'better job' was killing me, so I actually took a pay cut and pretty much tripled my commute to manage said store. So now I have an hour commute, don't make great money, but the job is easy enough and I'm no longer killing myself. I make the schedules, so when all is going well I can put all my hours into open to close shifts, and minimize…

So this is basically just a (long) pointless rant because I felt the need to vent.

I manage an Adult Store. My whole backstory is long and most would be uninterested (though some of it IS antiwork sort of stuff, so I might share some of it later), but the long story short is I worked basic retail for the company, cut myself down to very minimal part time when I got a better job, was offered to manage a store. The 'better job' was killing me, so I actually took a pay cut and pretty much tripled my commute to manage said store.

So now I have an hour commute, don't make great money, but the job is easy enough and I'm no longer killing myself. I make the schedules, so when all is going well I can put all my hours into open to close shifts, and minimize the days I actually need to make the commute (plus cut gas/toll costs as a result).

Problem is… I've got employees calling out. And some doing it regularly. The store only has one employee in at a time, so if someone calls out I HAVE to get there asap to cover the hours.

I'm really upfront when hiring. I tell them, “This job does not pay well, but it's extremely easy. Some days you're basically paid to sit around and watch a movie on your phone.” But while the work is minimal, you do need to actually do that minimal work. Keep an eye on customers, make sure no one steals anything. Ring stuff up, very minimal other 'work' at open and close. And most importantly: I need to be able to rely on you. Because since you're going to be running a shift on your own, I'm generally the one who has to cover if you can't make it in when you're schedules.

I will schedule around any and all issues employees have, times they can work, desired number of hours, etc. But once it's written, I need them to be there.

And recently I've been getting a lot of call outs. MY district manager would have just fired them by now, I'm too soft hearted and buy every sob story. (Plus, if the issue is 'I need you in the store' how does firing solve anything. They're not gonna be in the store then either.)

Now the freaking first world problem…

I splurged recently. Saved up and bought a PS5. I wanted to play FFXVI. Ironically after I got it, I decided I wanted to play Diablo 4 first (usually a PC game for me, but I don't have a working PC at the moment). Figured I'd wait til the new system arrived and play it on that.

It showed up last Sunday. Almost 2 weeks ago. That week I had squeezed my full time hours into 3 separate open to close shifts. That left me 4 days off to just play my new freaking game I'd been waiting to play. (technically 3, I had a long standing appointment one day).

Full play by play of these last two weeks:

Day 1: Sunday, the day it arrived. One of my open to close shifts. Set it up when I got home, set game to download while I slept.

Day 2: Monday. I got to play for a few hours. Then my one employee (ironically the one usually upset if she doesn't get enough hours) has to leave. Drama with her boyfriend (specifically 'drama', not an emergency. And not my place to share her details even if this is anonymous). I convince her to keep the store open til I get there, and high tail it over. She might have to quit the job because of this drama. I let her know I won't put her on next week's schedule if that's needed, but I'll hold off on filing termination papers just in case she changes her mind (she wants to keep the job, just not sure she can). She'll have like 2 weeks before my hand would be forced and I'd have to file the papers. Do you need me to cover the rest of the week? No, she can work her shifts the rest of the week.

Day 3: Tuesday. Major internet outage in my area for like 8 hours. Like even 5g was down. Not work's fault, just really sucked.

Day 4: Wednesday. One of my open to closes.

Day 5: Thursday. Day of that appointment. Only got to play a couple hours.

Day 6: Friday. Same girl who said she could close out the week can't make it in. Supposed medical issue (again not my place to share). She'll get a doctor's note. I now have to cover 11 hours (remember she wanted as many hours as I could give her before).

Day 7: Saturday. My originally scheduled open to close. I get in contact with the employee and find out if/when she can work, because she stressed by now that she does want to keep the job. Doctor says she needs to be on slight bed rest, but she still wants at least 3 days. Shorter days, and not back to back. Was a crazy headache making the schedule that could do that and still fit everyone else's necessities, but I did it. Sent her a copy first, got the okay.

Ended up working 58 hours that week. Not including commutes. Yay (justified) overtime pay… but I just wanna play my damn game.

Next week.

Day 8: Sunday. An open to close.

Day 9: Monday. Nope she can't make it in. More medical stuff related to the last time. Can I cover for her? I'm working again.

Day 10: Tuesday. 4th of July. I actually have off, but 4th events going on. Is it crazy that I almost wanted to cancel on them just so I could hole up in my room and play a damn video game?

Day 11: Wednesday. Normally an open to close day, but employee was going to be closing today (and I had to split my hours and come in another day to make that schedule happen.) Paychecks arrive, she shows up for the paycheck but lets me know that, no, she really does need to be on bed rest. And can't work the rest of the week. I stress… I COULD have made a schedule with that in mind, but she insisted she still wanted some hours that week, and I made a schedule to her liking which she agreed on. Girl I am going to NEED that Doctor's note, and I'm not putting you back on the schedule til I get an absolute “I am clear to work” from you.

I now have to cover the rest of her hours for the week. I will be working 66 hours. Plus commute.

Day 12: Thursday. I open (the split shift where I would have closed yesterday.) I see if other employees can cover other days/parts-of-shifts to minimize my overtime (we are NOT supposed to work much overtime if avoidable. Overtime pay, company hates giving it). No one can. Other employee that is supposed to close that day calls out. Add 5 more hours, I'm up to 71 projected hours.

Been in conversation with my DM. He is also overworked because he's running his own store, and dealing with other location's issues as well. But he's managed to switch some shifts at his store so he can get in to close for me Thursday (cover the one who called out) and take some of my hours Saturday. Not from altruism, just trying to mitigate overtime hours.

Today: Friday. I was supposed to have off, but am covering that first employee's shift. I'm currently at work typing this out (at least it IS still an easy job where I can rant on reddit in my down time).

With my boss taking Thursday's close and some hours tomorrow, I'm looking at roughly 56-58 hours this week, down from potentially 66, then 71.

I just… I just wanna play with my new toy. I get there are some crappy jobs with crappy bosses out there, but I jump through hoops for my employees all the freaking time. I stock the store with drinks and snacks on my own dime, I schedule around their every whim and need… back around St. Patrick's Day (a big deal for me as I am actually Irish) I made some plans with friends on my day off. We ubered into the city (no driving drunk). I was there for less than 30 minutes before an employee called me because of some family emergency and had to leave. So I now had to uber back to my car, and drive the hour to work because no one else could cover. Bailed on a get together with friends months in the making because I'll never be the type of boss to say “Sorry, you're scheduled today. If you leave the store your fired.” I've worked for too many jackass bosses and know what it's like to be on that side!

But for crying out loud, my give-a-fuck meter is running past fumes at this point. Am I just an absolute sucker of a boss for refusing to put my foot down and say “I'm sorry, this is officially too many random emergencies from the same person. It goes beyond coincidence, and I'm gonna have to let you go.”?

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