
Boss is upset that I have a second job (UPDATE)

Hey guys. Thanks for the supportive comments on my last post and funny ones too. I feel very validated. You guys are right. I am REASONABLY angry about this. I will be quitting this job as soon as I have some savings (probably around September) I will not be taking any fucking extra shifts if they call me. I will also be using my annual leave in my last week and then quitting when they expect me back. I shouldn’t have to work two jobs. Nobody should. I’m tired but my anger is pushing me through this tough time. I just need to get my degree and I’ll be in the clear. I also forgot to mention my gas station boss is a land lord of four “investment” properties. Which should give you an idea of what type of person he is.

Hey guys. Thanks for the supportive comments on my last post and funny ones too. I feel very validated. You guys are right. I am REASONABLY angry about this. I will be quitting this job as soon as I have some savings (probably around September) I will not be taking any fucking extra shifts if they call me. I will also be using my annual leave in my last week and then quitting when they expect me back. I shouldn’t have to work two jobs. Nobody should. I’m tired but my anger is pushing me through this tough time. I just need to get my degree and I’ll be in the clear.

I also forgot to mention my gas station boss is a land lord of four “investment” properties. Which should give you an idea of what type of person he is.

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