
Hired on to help a friend, ended up being a massive mistake

I’m not sure what to do about this, as it’s a pretty sticky situation. I left my better paying job to help a friend at a location they manage (I get it, I learned the hard way) it was a decent pay cut, but I was promised a raise within a month of working there. Not a smart move and it’s something I regret. But at the time I thought I could trust this person, so I left my job. A month goes by and the raise didn’t happen. “I’ll talk to them next month” Here’s the fun part. 2 months in, I get hurt on the job and have to go through the beautiful process of workman’s comp. Spent a few days where I couldn’t walk, and then a whole month and a half where I was working on heavy restrictions. My hours are cut in half and I’ve…

I’m not sure what to do about this, as it’s a pretty sticky situation. I left my better paying job to help a friend at a location they manage (I get it, I learned the hard way) it was a decent pay cut, but I was promised a raise within a month of working there. Not a smart move and it’s something I regret. But at the time I thought I could trust this person, so I left my job. A month goes by and the raise didn’t happen. “I’ll talk to them next month”

Here’s the fun part. 2 months in, I get hurt on the job and have to go through the beautiful process of workman’s comp. Spent a few days where I couldn’t walk, and then a whole month and a half where I was working on heavy restrictions. My hours are cut in half and I’ve barely made ends meet in all of this. But they keep telling me that raise is happening. I get cleared from work restriction, and return to normal duty. Some time passes and I ask again. And again. And again. I’m told it’s gonna happen but it’s getting pushed back. Today after all the time that’s went by, they talk to the district manager. im finally told the raise is not happening but “it might be possible” if I stick around.

And then a fellow coworker tells me all the things that were said when I wasn’t around. Apparently the manager and assistant manager were telling people I’m faking it. I did this for money, or worried I’m gonna sue the company. Should’ve been no surprise to me, but I’m stuck with this situation because I made that decision. Not that I have any standing to do anything about this, I just wish they would’ve been honest about this instead of lying to get me hired on.

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