
Some humorous observations about work and hobbies

I think many people got into advertising and marketing for more reasons than selling beer or fast food. There are various fascinating aspects to it — such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and research. There’s also analysis, technical skills, and reasoning. Frustrating: Being a salesperson of high-end items and barely making a living salary. Meanwhile, there’s often distrust from customers and judgment from others who don’t think too kindly of salespeople. A big part of the job, though, is trying to establish trust and build relationships with people in approx. 30 minutes to an hour. That’s not easy. I think that people creating blogs about their personal lives with photos is a really bad idea. Then they leave it online for years. It’s not so “cool” or “fun” to try to gain an audience of strangers by writing about one’s life like it’s reality TV. Those things usually don’t turn out…

  1. I think many people got into advertising and marketing for more reasons than selling beer or fast food.

There are various fascinating aspects to it — such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and research. There’s also analysis, technical skills, and reasoning.

  1. Frustrating: Being a salesperson of high-end items and barely making a living salary.

Meanwhile, there’s often distrust from customers and judgment from others who don’t think too kindly of salespeople. A big part of the job, though, is trying to establish trust and build relationships with people in approx. 30 minutes to an hour. That’s not easy.

  1. I think that people creating blogs about their personal lives with photos is a really bad idea. Then they leave it online for years.

It’s not so “cool” or “fun” to try to gain an audience of strangers by writing about one’s life like it’s reality TV. Those things usually don’t turn out very well. There are problems everywhere. The bloggers may not understand how others could perceive the information, they could create blog posts just to see if they could gain more viewers in ways that seem immoral, or they could write personal info about others that causes a loss of privacy. The data could be used on social media sites in all kinds of ways that seem strange.

  1. I had no idea that entering the working world was like entering a prison yard.

People are pissed for unknown reasons — from the employees to the customers. The trust is low and people are quick to accuse. Be very careful with what you say to people.

  1. Does anyone know why job postings aren’t like how the jobs really are and keep rehiring?

I keep seeing the same job opportunities online re-posted every few months. When I’ve been hired for some jobs, they were often much different than described. My guess is that there are problems with the pay, the job expectations, and/or management.

  1. Please be careful when working in a new office. Someone might not have written down all their passwords.

Navigate tech issues with caution. Don’t delete the browser history if it’s a routine for you — you might not have all the passwords to log back into the applications. Also, ask someone for permission before deleting a file to make sure it’s the right one. You might want to let someone know if you are testing a new project.

It’s amazing how tech creates misunderstandings and paranoia. While there’s often excitement and optimism when starting a new job, there are some blind spots. Try to establish rapport and trust where you can. Communicate clearly and write down your notes as instructions.

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