
Land of the free and home of the brave lol

Just thinking about that while seeing another post somewhere on here where a lady forgot the lyrics to the national anthem and I started to realize how dated those lyrics are. I was thinking I've worked at a couple fast food places and they said I wasn't allowed to leave the building on the 10 minute breaks “in case we need you if it gets busy”…. but I'm on my break and therefore cannot work soo I'm going to go vape???? Then I was thinking about the brave part. I was actually scared to go to a city planned fireworks event last week and my SO had to convince me it would be ok and there wouldn't be a mass shooting. I'm not agoraphobic by any means I love to Cycle a lot but huge crowds like that I absolutely will never trust again in my life. We are actually…

Just thinking about that while seeing another post somewhere on here where a lady forgot the lyrics to the national anthem and I started to realize how dated those lyrics are. I was thinking I've worked at a couple fast food places and they said I wasn't allowed to leave the building on the 10 minute breaks “in case we need you if it gets busy”…. but I'm on my break and therefore cannot work soo I'm going to go vape???? Then I was thinking about the brave part. I was actually scared to go to a city planned fireworks event last week and my SO had to convince me it would be ok and there wouldn't be a mass shooting. I'm not agoraphobic by any means I love to Cycle a lot but huge crowds like that I absolutely will never trust again in my life. We are actually living in fear and not just from people snapping but the cops too, don't trust them not to smash my face into the ground and shoot my dog and choke me to death when asking for help. Fucking crazy the world we live, at least the French are able to fight back. We're so scared of out police we wouldn't dare do something like that. Also wouldn't want to get arrested and put in jail for protesting the situation we've been forced into (low wages, insane rent prices, all food being ridiculously expensive, working all the time just to get by because all those things are expensive)

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