
Employer rounded down the hours I worked

For some context: this is my first job working part time at an ice cream place over the summer. When I received last week's paycheck I noticed it stated that I worked less hours than I thought I did, so I went into the time clock app to double check my hours, as people make mistakes and I believed my employer maybe accidentally made a mistake while adding. After making sure that I was right, I asked my boss about it. She then went on to tell me that she doesn't count minutes, only hours. Meaning the days when I was clocked in for 6 hours and 49 minutes for example would be rounded down to 6 hours. By doing this I effectively lost 4 or 5 hours of pay for the week. My boyfriend, his dad, my dad, and my other friend all told me that this is incredibly…

For some context: this is my first job working part time at an ice cream place over the summer. When I received last week's paycheck I noticed it stated that I worked less hours than I thought I did, so I went into the time clock app to double check my hours, as people make mistakes and I believed my employer maybe accidentally made a mistake while adding. After making sure that I was right, I asked my boss about it. She then went on to tell me that she doesn't count minutes, only hours. Meaning the days when I was clocked in for 6 hours and 49 minutes for example would be rounded down to 6 hours. By doing this I effectively lost 4 or 5 hours of pay for the week. My boyfriend, his dad, my dad, and my other friend all told me that this is incredibly illegal. What should I do? Report the business? Or simply ask her for my money? How should I go about this? I would really appreciate any advice!

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