
How to deal with guilt of calling into work

So today my truck died on my way to work (I wasn’t watching my fuel gauge lol) and had to call (text) in to work. I’ve also called in two sick days in my time at this company (4 months). It’s a 90 minute commute btw. I plan on quitting soon and going back to school but I wanna stay on good terms so I can use them as a reference. Whenever I call in they just don’t respond and act like it never happened yet I STILL feel guilt. It’s so ingrained into me. Even in emergencies like today I just fear conflict so much. Mind you I’m a large tattooed guy and don’t feel intimidated at work or anything. I try not to care like y’all do but I can’t. Any advice? Enable me

So today my truck died on my way to work (I wasn’t watching my fuel gauge lol) and had to call (text) in to work. I’ve also called in two sick days in my time at this company (4 months).

It’s a 90 minute commute btw.

I plan on quitting soon and going back to school but I wanna stay on good terms so I can use them as a reference.

Whenever I call in they just don’t respond and act like it never happened yet I STILL feel guilt. It’s so ingrained into me.

Even in emergencies like today I just fear conflict so much. Mind you I’m a large tattooed guy and don’t feel intimidated at work or anything.

I try not to care like y’all do but I can’t. Any advice? Enable me

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