
I cannot stress how much I hate my fuckin job.

Don't even know where to begin really. I've been at a certain, three letter, brown truck driving Shipping Company since 2015…I hate it more and more. I'm part time, can't really even sniff full time for a few more years…but it feels like I've been working part time since the 80s. So much backbreaking labor. I loaded airplane containers from October 2015 to October 2020. Fucked up my rotator cuff on my left arm, fucked up my sciatic nerve and dropped a 150 LB crate onto my dick, splitting me open like a banana, BUT I KEPT WORKING because I didn't hate my job (yet). After about the last 2 and a half years, I'm really questioning why I even work there anymore? I've finally learned that supervisors are liars and thier supervisors are even worse. I've also learned, finally that you don't have actual friends at work…you have people…

Don't even know where to begin really. I've been at a certain, three letter, brown truck driving Shipping Company since 2015…I hate it more and more. I'm part time, can't really even sniff full time for a few more years…but it feels like I've been working part time since the 80s. So much backbreaking labor.

I loaded airplane containers from October 2015 to October 2020. Fucked up my rotator cuff on my left arm, fucked up my sciatic nerve and dropped a 150 LB crate onto my dick, splitting me open like a banana, BUT I KEPT WORKING because I didn't hate my job (yet).

After about the last 2 and a half years, I'm really questioning why I even work there anymore? I've finally learned that supervisors are liars and thier supervisors are even worse. I've also learned, finally that you don't have actual friends at work…you have people that will try and get you fired at the drop of a hat. You have people that will record you on there phone…trying to get you in trouble. Fuck you Josh.

Face it, if you have a work ethic you're gonna get fucked. I finally learned it, but I'm at the point now, close to 8 years in, that I can't just change. So I'm screwed. Add that in with the fuckin equipment breaking every night in this hot ass warehouse, I hate my job every time I clock in.

Also I feel like a complete asshole for calling off/using my vacation time. I haven't called in since March and I've only used 2 vacation days since then…but I still feel like I'm letting the team down…even though it's not so much a “team” as it is “the people with 15+ years seniority can do what they want, everyone else is a team” it sucks so bad.

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