
In a hard spot.

So I work at a fastfood chain and I have for a couple of years now I have definitely had my “I wanna quit right now!” Moments but I evidently stayed because I don't wanna go through the hiring process again but I'm really at limits. Every day and I am being very literal here I'm asked to come in early and or stay late, usually in the same day.My schedule doesn't feel like my actual schedule anymore and I feel bad if I say no because I'm gonna be screwing over someone else. We are very short staffed especially in the summer because I live in a college town. But I'm sick of being asked all the time! And It doesn't help that there is this one coworker who does the their job well, that is when they show up. I have worked with this person all throught my…

So I work at a fastfood chain and I have for a couple of years now I have definitely had my “I wanna quit right now!” Moments but I evidently stayed because I don't wanna go through the hiring process again but I'm really at limits.

Every day and I am being very literal here I'm asked to come in early and or stay late, usually in the same day.My schedule doesn't feel like my actual schedule anymore and I feel bad if I say no because I'm gonna be screwing over someone else. We are very short staffed especially in the summer because I live in a college town. But I'm sick of being asked all the time! And It doesn't help that there is this one coworker who does the their job well, that is when they show up. I have worked with this person all throught my years at the job and I've noticed a pattern that whenever she goes on vacay she will conveniently get “sick”. Then she will call out the whole week. So because of her doing this I get asked to cover her opening shifts. But it feels like something I can't complain about because everyone seems to like her. What should I do about this? I'm not a confrontational person but I'm sick for working 10 hour shifts everyday because of her.

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