
I hate how every company banks on breaking you down with their own personal brand of BS

The first three months, everyone comes in with bushy tails, at their most creative and clear-headed. They want to make positive changes but soon they run into the invisible walls the company has set up for itself. The new employees soon realize it was all smoke and mirrors and grow bitter. They go through the five stages of denial before “settling” for the paycheck and doing the bare minimum to keep getting paid. This all happens within 3-4 months. Story old as time, but it still annoys me. Companies expect innovation but do absolutely nothing to inspire or foster it. I'm at the four month mark and want to quit. It's all so pointless. None of this is productive.

The first three months, everyone comes in with bushy tails, at their most creative and clear-headed. They want to make positive changes but soon they run into the invisible walls the company has set up for itself. The new employees soon realize it was all smoke and mirrors and grow bitter. They go through the five stages of denial before “settling” for the paycheck and doing the bare minimum to keep getting paid. This all happens within 3-4 months.

Story old as time, but it still annoys me. Companies expect innovation but do absolutely nothing to inspire or foster it. I'm at the four month mark and want to quit. It's all so pointless. None of this is productive.

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