
My SO had her commission “taken back” after a complaint from a customer

My SO works in a salon and does spray tans. A woman was asking to be sprayed far more was needed. My SO voiced her concerns, but eventually gave in to the person. Afterwards, my SO informed her manager of what happened.Later that day the woman she spray-tanned called and complained to the manager she was over-sprayed. My SO was verbally reprimanded and told she would not be receiving her commission for that session. We live in Washington State and I have not read her commission contract yet, but it smells fishy.I am not asking for legal advice per se, but general guidance, suggestions and thoughts. EDIT: Grammar and conventions

My SO works in a salon and does spray tans. A woman was asking to be sprayed far more was needed. My SO voiced her concerns, but eventually gave in to the person. Afterwards, my SO informed her manager of what happened.Later that day the woman she spray-tanned called and complained to the manager she was over-sprayed. My SO was verbally reprimanded and told she would not be receiving her commission for that session.

We live in Washington State and I have not read her commission contract yet, but it smells fishy.I am not asking for legal advice per se, but general guidance, suggestions and thoughts.

EDIT: Grammar and conventions

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