
Question from an owner

Hey everyone, I’m aware business owners aren’t typically loved here. But I’m asking for some advice and would really appreciate some feedback. I have a new employee (around a month), he’s much older than I am and has more years of experience than I do in his particular field of work. Everyone at my company works the exact same hours, which are pretty decent hours 7am-3:30pm with an hour lunch. We don’t work these hours because it’s convenient, it’s because we are a construction company and we work the same hours as the field so if they need anything we are here to help. Now that being said, the new guy has started attempting to make his own hours. He comes in at 6:30 and leaves at 3. The problem is that I’m very laidback about this kind of thing, usually if a guy needs to leave early, take a…

Hey everyone, I’m aware business owners aren’t typically loved here. But I’m asking for some advice and would really appreciate some feedback. I have a new employee (around a month), he’s much older than I am and has more years of experience than I do in his particular field of work. Everyone at my company works the exact same hours, which are pretty decent hours 7am-3:30pm with an hour lunch. We don’t work these hours because it’s convenient, it’s because we are a construction company and we work the same hours as the field so if they need anything we are here to help. Now that being said, the new guy has started attempting to make his own hours. He comes in at 6:30 and leaves at 3. The problem is that I’m very laidback about this kind of thing, usually if a guy needs to leave early, take a day off, etc. I just okay it and move on, but that type of thing should be the exception not the rule. I don’t want everyone thinking they can just make their own hours because like I said earlier, we work these hours for a reason. My guess is due to his age he feels like he can do whatever he wants. I want to put a stop to this but in a way that isn’t extremely rude. This isn’t a huge deal, it’s just something that needs nipped in the butt and my people skills aren’t always the best when it comes to this kind of thing

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