
A day in the life of an American worker.

I wake up at 6A.M.. groggy, I get up and flip on the light switch. The power is still on, thank God. I walk down the hallway to the kitchen where my decorations used to hang. We had to sell them to pay copays for my son's doctor visits. No breakfast as the fridge is empty. Pantry only has a few packs of ramen and rice and spaghetti noodles. No sauce. Black coffee it is. My wife takes me to work as I can't afford to get my car on the road. I may just sell it to pay down the maxed out credit card. She turns the key. She wonders how many more miles we can stretch the gas if we draft a tractor trailer on the highway. I get to work early and just stare at the building anticipating the day. I kiss my wife and say goodbye,…

I wake up at 6A.M.. groggy, I get up and flip on the light switch. The power is still on, thank God. I walk down the hallway to the kitchen where my decorations used to hang. We had to sell them to pay copays for my son's doctor visits. No breakfast as the fridge is empty. Pantry only has a few packs of ramen and rice and spaghetti noodles. No sauce. Black coffee it is. My wife takes me to work as I can't afford to get my car on the road. I may just sell it to pay down the maxed out credit card. She turns the key. She wonders how many more miles we can stretch the gas if we draft a tractor trailer on the highway. I get to work early and just stare at the building anticipating the day. I kiss my wife and say goodbye, my body reluctantly moving out of the seat. I turn on my computer and see many emails talking about pointless new procedures, ass covering memos sent out by the new college grad trying to roll off his fuck up onto anyone unfortunate enough to not have kept a record, bosses telling me what I didn't do fast enough, and requests for leave donation to the sick who have ran out of time. I zone out before I answer any and decide to check the news. Oh look, billionaires are actually proposing a literal dick measuring contest. Another billionaire is enjoying his $500 million dollar yacht with his much younger gold digging girlfriend. Politicians discussing how to best take away yet another freedom. Another article blaming Gen z and millenials for a poor economy. I turn it off and get to work. After a long day of covering my ass and doing meaningless task after meaningless task my wife picks me up. She had to sell our antique rocking chair for $20. We almost ran out of gas. We discuss what we are going to eat for dinner on the ride back. I check the internet for a creative way to turn spaghetti noodles into something edible. I notice I've lost more weight. I finally get home and turn on the TV. I don't have the brain power or the willpower to do anything. After what only feels like an hour, I look at the clock and decide to go to bed. I have to be up early again. What day is it? Is it almost the weekend? No. It's only Tuesday. Oh well. Another day closer. I wake up at 6A.M.. groggy, I get up and flip on the light switch. The power is still on, thank God….

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A day in the life of an American worker.

I wake up at 6A.M.. groggy, I get up and flip on the light switch. The power is still on, thank God. I walk down the hallway to the kitchen where my decorations used to hang. We had to sell them to pay copays for my son's doctor visits. No breakfast as the fridge is empty. Pantry only has a few packs of ramen and rice and spaghetti noodles. No sauce. Black coffee it is. My wife takes me to work as I can't afford to get my car on the road. I may just sell it to pay down the maxed out credit card. She turns the key. She wonders how many more miles we can stretch the gas if we draft a tractor trailer on the highway. I get to work early and just stare at the building anticipating the day. I kiss my wife and say goodbye,…

I wake up at 6A.M.. groggy, I get up and flip on the light switch. The power is still on, thank God. I walk down the hallway to the kitchen where my decorations used to hang. We had to sell them to pay copays for my son's doctor visits. No breakfast as the fridge is empty. Pantry only has a few packs of ramen and rice and spaghetti noodles. No sauce. Black coffee it is. My wife takes me to work as I can't afford to get my car on the road. I may just sell it to pay down the maxed out credit card. She turns the key. She wonders how many more miles we can stretch the gas if we draft a tractor trailer on the highway. I get to work early and just stare at the building anticipating the day. I kiss my wife and say goodbye, my body reluctantly moving out of the seat. I turn on my computer and see many emails talking about pointless new procedures, ass covering memos sent out by the new college grad trying to roll off his fuck up onto anyone unfortunate enough to not have kept a record, bosses telling me what I didn't do fast enough, and requests for leave donation to the sick who have ran out of time. I zone out before I answer any and decide to check the news. Oh look, billionaires are actually proposing a literal dick measuring contest. Another billionaire is enjoying his $500 million dollar yacht with his much younger gold digging girlfriend. Politicians discussing how to best take away yet another freedom. Another article blaming Gen z and millenials for a poor economy. I turn it off and get to work. After a long day of covering my ass and doing meaningless task after meaningless task my wife picks me up. She had to sell our antique rocking chair for $20. We almost ran out of gas. We discuss what we are going to eat for dinner on the ride back. I check the internet for a creative way to turn spaghetti noodles into something edible. I notice I've lost more weight. I finally get home and turn on the TV. I don't have the brain power or the willpower to do anything. After what only feels like an hour, I look at the clock and decide to go to bed. I have to be up early again. What day is it? Is it almost the weekend? No. It's only Tuesday. Oh well. Another day closer. I wake up at 6A.M.. groggy, I get up and flip on the light switch. The power is still on, thank God….

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