
I call bullshit to old people saying that we don’t want to work.

(a bit of a personal rant) I'm not sure if this is the right place to post because I love working, I'm the kind of person that loves doing little tasks and walking away with that satisfaction that I've completed my job and did it well. I just hate how everything is. Just how much I have to fight for hours at my current job because scheduling is sO fucked up. I also keep making the mistake of doing extra tasks, it's always blowed up in my face 🙁 My boss also handed everyone a notice saying that they'll be cutting hours due to “budget cuts” unless anyone chooses to “displace” another employee that's lower in seniority. Which is me. Luckily no one voted me off the island, but someone did take it to the union because it seemed so weird, all the dates on it were June when it…

(a bit of a personal rant)

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post because I love working, I'm the kind of person that loves doing little tasks and walking away with that satisfaction that I've completed my job and did it well. I just hate how everything is. Just how much I have to fight for hours at my current job because scheduling is sO fucked up. I also keep making the mistake of doing extra tasks, it's always blowed up in my face 🙁

My boss also handed everyone a notice saying that they'll be cutting hours due to “budget cuts” unless anyone chooses to “displace” another employee that's lower in seniority. Which is me. Luckily no one voted me off the island, but someone did take it to the union because it seemed so weird, all the dates on it were June when it was sent out in early July? Oh and the hours before the cut, was mutually agreed as the “set amount of hours to actually complete the job”. Got no response from the union. I legitimately couldn't figure out how anyone could complete everything within the new timeframe, since everyone but me would come in a half hour early just so they could clock out on time. I didn't mind spending an hour of unpaid overtime before but now I'll just leave.

The absolute cherry on top was that the day that the hours got reduced they hired a new employee? so I had to manage reworking my day (I work with mashines so everything has to be perfectly timed) and I had to teach a new employee who would be getting half of my shifts. I honestly did feel bitter about it. Probably du to me working in a small town, and I just paid off driving classes that will be happening in October of this year. I'm still dead set on keeping this job, because even if I get shit hours it still pays fairly well.

It just feels like I'm also out of options, I wanted to get a second job, so I handed out my resume to all of the places around town, I got a couple interviews, and when I'd show up, I would sit there for a half hour before someone would say that they rescheduled the interview, and then I'd come in 6 hours later to sit there for 40 minutes, before walking out. I was so tired, I added it up and I walked 5.6km that day just for that damn interview. I don't mind walking 3km a day, but holy shit.

I'm currently saving up to go into the trades, because I want to not feel so disposable, I want to be somewhat valued, but it's starting to feel like a pipe dream. Being a woman I'd get quite a bit off of my tuition if I did go into the trades, but earning enough money for rent and to squirrel away for school seems impossible. Ik I'm lucky since I have no debt on my back yet and I don't have to pay super expensive rent since I moved to a smaller town.

Unless I want to do a 4.4km walk to, and from, work, at Tim Hortons, I'm kinda left with no other options and all I can do is be grumpy lol

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