
Getting laid off after being tormented for a year

Just here to rant. Going to be vague with the specific in hopes I can use this place as a reference one day. I graduated college in May 2022. Luckily, I immediately found a job in the field I went to school for and was hired within weeks after graduating. From day 1, this job was a shitshow. Another employee with a very important position (that required much more experience than I had coming in) decided to put their 2 weeks in on the day I started the job. My boss asked me if I would be willing to spend the next 2 weeks with this guy as he trained me to do his job. Being optimistic, wanting to impress, and riding the highs of entering the real world for the first time, I complied. The position was vastly different than the one I applied for. Mine was your typical…

Just here to rant. Going to be vague with the specific in hopes I can use this place as a reference one day.

I graduated college in May 2022. Luckily, I immediately found a job in the field I went to school for and was hired within weeks after graduating. From day 1, this job was a shitshow.

Another employee with a very important position (that required much more experience than I had coming in) decided to put their 2 weeks in on the day I started the job. My boss asked me if I would be willing to spend the next 2 weeks with this guy as he trained me to do his job. Being optimistic, wanting to impress, and riding the highs of entering the real world for the first time, I complied.

The position was vastly different than the one I applied for. Mine was your typical 9 to 5 that required entry level skills. This was a night job that did a lot of the heavy lifting for the rest of the company. I shifted my mental to the highest gear and did my best to grasp all the complex aspects I was learning at warp speed. By the end of the 2 weeks, I learned a skillset that normally should've taken at least 2 months of training.

But I prevailed. I worked the horrible night hours and broke my back day in and day out for this company for about 6 months. During this time, my boss was insistent that they were searching for someone to replace the guy that trained me, so I could be moved back to the shift/position that I applied and was hired for. Finally, that day came.

They hired a woman who I then spent a little over a month training. She had some experience, and was able to pick up ins and outs of the job. I finally was relieved of that position and was moved back to my much preferred daytime position, 6 months into the job. I worked that for another 6 months, further being trained to cover for every other employees position as they took vacations and I continued to stretch myself thin, basically learning how to run the entire place by myself.

Here's where it all fell apart. About a month ago, the woman that took over the night position decided she had enough and quit without notice. Graciously, of course, I went back to working that night position, again being told to just tough it out until they found a replacement candidate. But this time, there was an issue. The place does not pay well. I stayed through all the bullshit knowing that this was a solid gold mark on my resume, and I wanted the experience. But to make enough money to survive, I had to pick up a part time job. I did this during my 6 months on the day side. So at this point, I'm flexing my schedule, working nights for them when I'm able to, and then doing as much work as I can for the night position during the day on days where I need to make it to my second job.

So today, my boss calls me into his office. I knew something had to be wrong because this does not happen very frequently. He tells me that some people from corporate stopped by last week and told him that not only were we forbidden from replacing the night job's position, but they were merging my daytime position with the nighttime one, cutting our staff down and revoking my position. If I wanted to stay, I was told my only option would be to quit my part time job and work the nighttime hours, while doing both my daytime tasks, and taking on the rough nighttime tasks as well. All of this for a measly $1/per hour raise.

So I'm letting them lay me off. Good luck to that place without me, the guy who knows how to do everyone's job. They quite literally called me “the office swiss army knife”, and now they're screwed. I'm hoping I'll be able to collect unemployment and work my parttime job for a while as I reset and try to find something better. Dicked around for over a year just to be tossed to the curb.

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