
Know Your Enemy People Vs Oppressors Is A Different Kind Of Problem:

Know Your Enemy People Vs Oppressors Is A Different Kind Of Problem: I normally work on Ideal Solutions and stay away from talking about the problems as much. I feel so many of these problems these days are so out in the open, the only way not to know is to not pay attention or at least fully embracing their Manufactured Consent unable to break free of their cognitive dissonance. The problem is that there is not just one life altering devastation but multiple all at once. Some on accident, some on purpose all with seemingly unlimited resources. (Please note, the ones on accident are just because those adversely affected are just so insignificant your death or oppressed life is just not something they care about.) We Acclimate To Our Environment: We get caught up in adapting but all we have time to do is survive minus the thrive. We…

Know Your Enemy

People Vs Oppressors Is A Different Kind Of Problem: I normally work on Ideal Solutions and stay away from talking about the problems as much. I feel so many of these problems these days are so out in the open, the only way not to know is to not pay attention or at least fully embracing their Manufactured Consent unable to break free of their cognitive dissonance. The problem is that there is not just one life altering devastation but multiple all at once. Some on accident, some on purpose all with seemingly unlimited resources. (Please note, the ones on accident are just because those adversely affected are just so insignificant your death or oppressed life is just not something they care about.)

We Acclimate To Our Environment: We get caught up in adapting but all we have time to do is survive minus the thrive. We don’t have time to pay attention to the source of the obstacles that are being thrown in our way, we just adapt. Sadly many of US die in this struggle and if those who Represented US would just do so, many of these deaths could’ve been avoided.

Only Time To React, No Time For Proactive Solutions: My first thought is, in fighting this is the best way to beat your opponent. Make them fight your fight, never let them fight their fight. Always keep them reacting, never giving them a chance to attack. As they wear US down our bodies and our energy, they come closer to victory. US giving up or giving in or just dying. It is a fight of either an oppressed life or a life of freedom and equality, know the stakes!

Sacrificial Healthcare Plans: Every US Presidential Democratic Primary Challengers 2020 Healthcare Plan, excluding Medicare For All, the Plan was for at least 68,000 Americans to die because they couldn’t afford care. This is a very conservative number because it does not take into account those that have Insurance but cannot afford or will dely care or medicine due to the cost. Medicare For Alls goal was 0 people dying per year because they couldn’t afford Health Care and M4A costs over a trillion less.

Ask Yourself: How many people will die because they are poor? How many people a year do you think should die because they are poor? Shouldn’t we strive for 0 deaths because of poverty? Why do we select and elect Politicians that do not Represent US? Why do we look to people whose plans start with the acceptance of loss of life due to poverty? Why do we not look for people whose solutions start with zero deaths because you are poor? Why do we not look at the successes and failures of Healthcare and Education from other Countries to strive to create an Ideal from? Why do we work so much and own so little? Why are we Renting with Roommates instead of being able to buy our own homes? Do you honestly think there’s no better way?

Don’t You Deserve More? Do you deserve to own a home? Do you deserve to earn a living wage? Do you deserve Healthcare that cares for your Health not money? Do you deserve a college education with no debt? Do you deserve multiple vacations a year like many other places in the world? Do you deserve to retire before 60? How many years should a person be forced to work? What quality of life should retired people have? What quality of life should a person working full time have? For a better work life balance, how many hours a week should we work? How much of your job can be done from home?

Know Your Place!: Many of the people we are talking about had poverty/oppression thrust upon them. Usually from birth, their early death & low quality of life is predetermined not by God as much by the 10%. The 10% are people who only think of the 90% when they have to & see them more as offensive and unsightly. The 10% don’t want to see or hear or smell the 90% when eating out in Public or really at all. The only reason the 10% let the 90% live is to be served! The 10% want to live in luxury while never really doing anything. Their whole life is spent on Vacation everywhere all over the world. The 90% are lucky to get sick time let alone vacation time. There is also the issue of even if you are lucky enough to get vacation time, you usually can’t afford to go anywhere.

Ask Those In Charge: Looking at your plan, x(x=find the number of people who will die from their specific plan) people will die because they are poor, why are you OK with that? Why do you accept this? Why should we accept this? Why isn’t your goal 0 deaths because they are poor? Why do you take y$(y=find out how much money they took!) from this Company or Person and vote for what they wanted when US(US=number of their constituents) are opposed? Give them specific numbers from reputable sources.

COVID-19 The 10% Is Bailed Out While Not Needing It & The 90% Must Go Back To Work Before It’s Safe: As the price of food soars, the 10% don’t even feel it. They could afford a freezer full of the most expensive ice cream even before their bailouts. Meanwhile the 90% don’t receive enough to pay rent let alone eat. The 90% cannot afford the treatment, the 10% might not even stay in the same Hospital as US.

Sacrifice The Elderly For The Economy: Many have stated incorrectly that COVID-10 mostly kills the elderly. Taking that as fact, some want to sacrifice the elderly to get the Economy going again. Another thing they are thinking but not saying is look at all that money we can save in the Budget by not having to care for the elderly, not having to pay them their Pensions & Social Security.

COVID-19 Should Inspire Medicare For All For Now: Most Politicians are so bought off by their Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Donors, Medicare For All during the Pandemic isn’t even on the table. Why because once we have it, we won’t want it to go away. Once we say you shouldn’t die from this thing you have no control over but you can die from this other thing you have no control over.

Bad Air & Water: Like for instance, how many Cancers are Environmental? Otherwise, how many people have got sick, dying or have died from Cancers caused by Industry & weakened Environmental Regulations? Flint Water was knowingly poisoned to save money. Native Communities, Communities with People of Color or the poor have bad Air & Water. Not because of any fault of their own but the lack of care by those in charge.

War For Water

Food Cost Could Rise 1000% & The 10% Wouldn’t Notice: They will be able to afford to eat, so they see no problem. Before they didn’t really know the price of bread or a gallon of milk nor will they after because that’s how unaffected they are by our crisis of food. Every night they will still have Steak, Lobster & Caviar no matter how rare and expensive it is every night without caring about the cost. As they gorge themselves, the rest of US will starve.

Climate Change: We talk of the death because of Storms and the Seas Rising. We forget, the 10% are airlifted out of hurricanes while the 90% is left to the Storm. The 10% get their homes built quickly and much nicer, the 90% wait until they can no longer wait, those that lived. Many will die waiting, the rest will just suffer while they wait. As the Seas Rise, so does the price of Land. The 10% are buying up everything while the 90% cannot afford the Rent they pay to the 10%.

Population Or Population Control = Killing US: They don’t even have to say Population Control, they just mention Population or Population Growth as a potential problem and that almost always means some form of Population Control. Population Control usually means accepting death on a very large scale. Sure it can mean forms of birth control but when it’s forced or done without the patient's knowledge, it’s done to the poor and people of color. History shows us that when birth control is used this way, those people are being oppressed and killed already.

10% Vs 90%: Global Population May 3, 2020 9:50 AM PST, 7,781,983,982 and rising. 1% of that is 778,198,398 but those that assist the 1% to kill us equal about 10-15% of the population including the 1% which 10% is 77,819,839. Scary impossible numbers really to imagine but the one thing you should never lose sight of is the fact it is still 10% against 90%.

How Many Of US Are Needed?: From The 10% Perspective, With Automation How Much Of The 90% Is Needed. Even if Robots could do the Task, there will always be those who demand others beneath them to serve them.

We Are The Sacrificial Lambs To The Slaughter!: When The Ruling Class Calls For Sacrifice, What Or Who Do They Sacrifice? Cuts to our quality of life while they still get outrageous tax breaks! More hours less pay for US & more pay, less hours for them! I remember all the times they cut Social Security saying there was a surplus, yet I never once remember people living off of Social Security living like they had a surplus of money!

Problems Solved!: For every major problem the World faces, the 10% sees US 90% dying as, Problems Solved. Made up Population Growth Problems & real, the 10%s Solution far too often is up to & including mass extinctions of the 90%. These are last resorts, not solutions!

The Plan Is To Kill US: Nothing seems free from this plan to kill US from the obvious Fossil Fuels to Candy! Do your Representatives take money from these groups?
When Mass Killing Is The Business Model, What Do You Have To Negotiate With?

We Need Leaders Who Represent US Now!: We need Leaders who plan to save the most lives not plan for unnecessary deaths! We need Leaders who use their power to improve the quality of our lives, not just their friends and donors. Ideal Solutions like; Medicare For All, Free Public College, Universal Basic Income, Making the Rich & Corporations pay their Fair Share in Taxes! All of these were both Right & Left Issues, well until money crept it’s way back in.

We Don’t Need Them!: In answer to the original question, “When mass killing is the business model, what do you have to negotiate with?” is, Nothing! Your only leverage is your numbers and knowing that you don’t need them as much as they don’t need you! As Far As The 10% Is Concerned When The 90% Dies, Problems Solved!

Do It Without Them!: Do we really need their money when we have so much human energy? All we need to do is focus our collective energies towards our collective problem striving towards Ideal Solutions.

We need a plan with as few deaths as possible with infinite population growth. Starting with the current population growth that says that our population will exceed our resources by 2100.

Mobile Cities…link

Living Wage
With That Said, It’s Time To Rethink Work & Work Life Balance!

Whose Vacations On The Beach Of Tuscany, Not Me!: I was just listening to OPB during the COVID 19 Pandemic. They had a guest who lives in an area that just opened up. She was asked where are you looking forward to going the most? She said, “the beach. Although currently we must still stay in our region so she can't go to the beach of Tuscany.” 90% of the world is worried about rent, food & healthcare, even the guests of OPB cannot relate to US. A Vacation is a rare thing even more rare to actually go somewhere for your Vacation. But to Vacation regularly on a foreign beach, this is not our life! I’m not saying a person shouldn’t be able to do this, I’m saying everyone should be able to! Our travel ban is poverty & will not be lifted once this crisis is over.

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