
forced to quit again

I'm a 19M, with ADHD and Asperger's syndrome, and these past 24 hours have been insane for me. I've been working the last two weeks at this bike camp. The first week went ok, definitely were some issues but not anything worse than any other new instructor there. Then we got to my next class this week. At first, only one could kinda ride independently, all ages 3-7. It was really difficult to find anything to get them to do that was both fun and gave me enough time to do 1-on-1 stuff with them so they could get riding on their own. Also second day, I had told a kid's parent that I thought it was possible their child may have had ADHD. The parent seemed polite and normal and at least a bit interested in what I was saying but then wrote a complaint to the management later…

I'm a 19M, with ADHD and Asperger's syndrome, and these past 24 hours have been insane for me. I've been working the last two weeks at this bike camp. The first week went ok, definitely were some issues but not anything worse than any other new instructor there. Then we got to my next class this week.
At first, only one could kinda ride independently, all ages 3-7. It was really difficult to find anything to get them to do that was both fun and gave me enough time to do 1-on-1 stuff with them so they could get riding on their own. Also second day, I had told a kid's parent that I thought it was possible their child may have had ADHD. The parent seemed polite and normal and at least a bit interested in what I was saying but then wrote a complaint to the management later that night. I was honestly insulted. I didn't diagnose him, I told the parent I may be wrong and that it's just something that would be worth it to look into. I did it because I wanted to help the kid.
They put another instructor with me in the afternoon yesterday, obviously because of the incident the day before with the talking with the parent. This was also really insulting, though the other instructor was nice and helpful and all that. I talked to another instructor there, who'd worked there last year and she said it was because everyone who holds that company together is shallow and just driven by money and status, and don't care about helping kids beyond just getting them to bicycle ($600 for a week of lessons, per kid). Oh and it pays minimum wage.
They still had the other instructor with me today, both her and I agreed it was overkill for her to be there. But then one of my kids started complaining that he felt sick, so I gave him over to my manager who called home and he got picked up so it's all fine, right? Well when I told someone that this had happened (I don't remember doing this, my brain thought it was so trivial as to not even remember it) I was like 'oh he was having an I want my mommy moment' or something like that. Basically another instructor who I'm 95% sure who it is said they thought it looked like I was making fun of the kid. I don't even remember but it's irrelevant honestly.
Anyways my manager came up to me while the kids were taking a break cuz there was a big windstorm that knocked over the outdoor tent which scared the kids so I went inside with them. She talked to the other instructor who they sent to babysit me, and I knew something bad was going to happen. My manager then went to talk to me, and told me that I should head home and take Friday off too, cuz I clearly wasn't handling the kids well. But I could come back next week.
I told her I quit, because 1. I didn't want to just make everything harder for them and be a problem anymore so just leaving is the best option. 2. I didn't enjoy the job and found it very draining, and it is not the line of work I actually would like to pursue 3. I could feel they were gonna fire me soon anyways so might as well get it over with now 4. If I kept working at this job, the only way I could get through it and be the exact kind of employee they want is if I masked my personality throughout the entire time I'm at the job, which would be terrible for my mental health.
So that's why I quit. It was only 2 weeks so not too big of a deal but I'm still pissed. I feel like there's no job out there that I can really be allowed to be me at, that I would also be able to get and do well.

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