
Mistreatment at elderly home I work in

I work in a care facility with elderly. The job itself is fine and I enjoy helping out individuals. The thing that making me anxious is the coworkers. I’m 20 and work with nurses aged 40+. There is a lot of gossiping between each other which I don’t care for, but they also say disgusting things about our patients. Calling them crazy and nasty and other names, these are elderly with dementia/ Alzheimer’s. There’s this one colleague that makes me ANXIOUS AF. Last time I worked she told me I have a fat face and asked about my weight. She asked if I take medicine, cause my face looked smaller when I started. I was in disbelief as she said this loudly in the break room, and am too shy to call her out. One time I came in late to work and she said I have to stay 30…

I work in a care facility with elderly. The job itself is fine and I enjoy helping out individuals. The thing that making me anxious is the coworkers. I’m 20 and work with nurses aged 40+. There is a lot of gossiping between each other which I don’t care for, but they also say disgusting things about our patients. Calling them crazy and nasty and other names, these are elderly with dementia/ Alzheimer’s.

There’s this one colleague that makes me ANXIOUS AF. Last time I worked she told me I have a fat face and asked about my weight. She asked if I take medicine, cause my face looked smaller when I started. I was in disbelief as she said this loudly in the break room, and am too shy to call her out. One time I came in late to work and she said I have to stay 30 min extra, no problem it’s fair, but then she said “maybe you won’t forget your shift next time” all passive agressive. She asks me to massage her back, and will boss me around. I am shy and have social anxiety so this is a nightmare for me. I don’t wanna snitch to our boss who has worked with these nurses for years, when I just begun in February…

Not to mention they will treat some of the patients with no empathy, mocking when they’re crying for their mum, and toss them around like a rag to get them done fast in the morning. I feel like when you work with elderly bare minimum is give them time and explain to them what’s happening.

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