
My boss expected me to keep working even after she told me to go home.

I (18M) got my first job out of high school at Walmart to pay for my college expenses. When I first got the job, I was elated because I was finally going to start receiving my own money. But this quickly vanished once I realized how shitty my managers were. I get told to do things I wasn't even trained for, get yelled at for little things, and am required to work and leave whenever my bosses want. One big example of this is when me and my coworkers were told to go home early yesterday after our shift. However, I was told to stay after and talk to HR since I was having log in issues with my Walmart account. I clocked out and sat down to wait for HR. A bit later, the boss who dismissed me came and asked why I wasn't working and if I was…

I (18M) got my first job out of high school at Walmart to pay for my college expenses. When I first got the job, I was elated because I was finally going to start receiving my own money. But this quickly vanished once I realized how shitty my managers were.

I get told to do things I wasn't even trained for, get yelled at for little things, and am required to work and leave whenever my bosses want. One big example of this is when me and my coworkers were told to go home early yesterday after our shift. However, I was told to stay after and talk to HR since I was having log in issues with my Walmart account.

I clocked out and sat down to wait for HR. A bit later, the boss who dismissed me came and asked why I wasn't working and if I was clocked out. I said I was and she said that I should've kept working while I waited for our HR lady to arrive in the morning (I work nights). I shrugged my shoulders and she stormed off and another boss asked me to do the SAME THING but I was already clocked out so he couldn't tell me to do anything.

I waited for a long time, but no one came so I started asking day shift and they told me that our HR representative was going to be gone FOR THE WHOLE WEEK. So I was being manipulated and gaslit the whole time.

I immediately stormed out and today I haven't been at work. I'm feeling extremely pissed at my shitty bosses and I hate my soul sucking company to the core. I can't wait to quit in several weeks and tell them to fuck themselves since I didn't show up today I can't use them on my resume :,).

Fuck walmart and all of their shitty staff. I will NEVER work for this company again in my life.

Tl;dr: Got Walmart job. Yesterday, boss tried to manipulate me to work after my scheduled shift by saying I had to wait for HR to arrive. I found out and am planning to tell my bosses to fuck themselves after I have all the funds I need.

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