
No response from management after resignation letter

I’ve been working for a beverage distribution company as a sales person for 9 years and on Friday of last week I gave my 2 weeks’ notice. In the morning I called my direct supervisor to inform him that I was going to be sending the email and after a brief chat he told me he understood and wished me the best. I got off the phone with him and emailed the regional manager and head of sales informing them of my decision, with my supervisor cc’d. As of right now I have received zero correspondence from anyone on that email. Not even a confirmation that they received it or even scheduling an exit interview to hand in my iPad and key card to the office. I certainly wasn’t looking for weeping and rending of garments but absolute silence? For a week? I’m baffled.

I’ve been working for a beverage distribution company as a sales person for 9 years and on Friday of last week I gave my 2 weeks’ notice. In the morning I called my direct supervisor to inform him that I was going to be sending the email and after a brief chat he told me he understood and wished me the best. I got off the phone with him and emailed the regional manager and head of sales informing them of my decision, with my supervisor cc’d. As of right now I have received zero correspondence from anyone on that email. Not even a confirmation that they received it or even scheduling an exit interview to hand in my iPad and key card to the office. I certainly wasn’t looking for weeping and rending of garments but absolute silence? For a week? I’m baffled.

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