
The U.S. Economy is on the brink of collapse and all the warning lights are blaring red. Where is the breaking point where people revolt?

All signs point to a Great Depression like scenario for the middle and working class. No, not the economy by our billionaire-centric metrics. Corporations and billionaires are taking in money hand over fist right now due to their fabricated “inflation” crisis that they caused. But the economy is on the brink of collapse due to the middle and working class literally on the verge of homelessness and starvation. The billionaires cannot make any money when there is no discretionary spending available for people to pay for things. Notice how social media now isn’t about sharing opinions or life events but now entirely revolves around selling products and finessing the little guy? 72% of all the wealth is owned by the top 10% in the nation according to the Congressional report. 33% of the wealth is owned by the top 1% and that income Inequality continues to skew further. These metrics…

All signs point to a Great Depression like scenario for the middle and working class. No, not the economy by our billionaire-centric metrics. Corporations and billionaires are taking in money hand over fist right now due to their fabricated “inflation” crisis that they caused. But the economy is on the brink of collapse due to the middle and working class literally on the verge of homelessness and starvation. The billionaires cannot make any money when there is no discretionary spending available for people to pay for things. Notice how social media now isn’t about sharing opinions or life events but now entirely revolves around selling products and finessing the little guy? 72% of all the wealth is owned by the top 10% in the nation according to the Congressional report. 33% of the wealth is owned by the top 1% and that income Inequality continues to skew further. These metrics break down even worse over racial lines. We work and work and make no headway due to all the fabricated systems they have created to place us in indentured servitude. We will never make any progress never live the lives our parents lived. I just question when exactly is the breaking point? There are millions on the verge of homelessness, others are close to starvation, conservatives love to spout racially motivated hatred about crime when in reality crime will only continue to go up as the threat of bankruptcy looms larger. The majority of people who follow politics are obsessed with culture war nonsense issues which is an obvious distraction from the robbery that these people have committed against the working class. This system is failing, dying, people are ready. Work towards nothing is all we do if we stay in this system and I want none of it. Every human being on this planet deserves the right to follow their passions, to raise a family, to enjoy their time, to have fun and to see the world. These things have been stolen for us and real real life is passing us by as we create capital for these disgusting self righteous rich people who see themselves as something to be strived towards. They siphon our money and our life force just to the limit of the breaking point and expect us to accept that as the way things are. People are dying. Workers are dying. Children are dying. I don’t know what we need anymore because the hope of a mass walkout or a revolt seems less and less likely as more people buy into this insane zealous worship of work as a means to become free. My only satisfaction is that people ARE waking up. We need to be free, we all need to live how we want to live

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