
I quit, you quit, he quits, she quits

After training for 2 days at this place I realized it was so toxic I couldn't take the job. I liked the work, like my colleagues, close to home, $30/hr. A life-changing salary for me. They want to attract “talent density” at the bottom but the problem is management is so toxic that no one has made it even 3 months without being rage fired or rage quitting. I was told horror stories in whispers. It was parade of red flags. A clear split in the team between uppers and lowers, literally us or them. They hated each other to the point I thought they'd all worked together for years. Less than 12 weeks. Some only 8 and 4 weeks in. I saw management commit fraud! I decided to quit over the weekend. Both people I shadowed with (who warned me about the place) quit this week too. Another is…

After training for 2 days at this place I realized it was so toxic I couldn't take the job. I liked the work, like my colleagues, close to home, $30/hr. A life-changing salary for me.

They want to attract “talent density” at the bottom but the problem is management is so toxic that no one has made it even 3 months without being rage fired or rage quitting.

I was told horror stories in whispers. It was parade of red flags. A clear split in the team between uppers and lowers, literally us or them. They hated each other to the point I thought they'd all worked together for years. Less than 12 weeks. Some only 8 and 4 weeks in. I saw management commit fraud!

I decided to quit over the weekend. Both people I shadowed with (who warned me about the place) quit this week too. Another is only staying for the other two so she'll likely quit soon.

So that's 3 people that were there last Friday who aren't there this Friday. And it feels great!

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