
Fire me? Good luck covering the weekend AND night shifts

First time posting, maybe this is petty revenge or AH tax? Idk either way, here we go: About a month ago I was unceremoniously fired after a fight with a coworker who insisted on not using my name but referred to me as just “you girl”. After asking her to stop (for maybe 3rd or 4th time) and quote “please just call me by my name, thanks” my boss took her side (???) and tried to gave me a warning for being “aggressive”. Boss couldn't do so, because asking basic respect is not base for a written warning. But since I was still on the trial period, boss got to easily fire me. I was fine with that because it was hands down the worst company I've ever worked for. So, they said “your last day is the 15th”. I was ok I really don't care, F them, BUT they…

First time posting, maybe this is petty revenge or AH tax? Idk either way, here we go:

About a month ago I was unceremoniously fired after a fight with a coworker who insisted on not using my name but referred to me as just “you girl”. After asking her to stop (for maybe 3rd or 4th time) and quote “please just call me by my name, thanks” my boss took her side (???) and tried to gave me a warning for being “aggressive”.
Boss couldn't do so, because asking basic respect is not base for a written warning. But since I was still on the trial period, boss got to easily fire me. I was fine with that because it was hands down the worst company I've ever worked for.

So, they said “your last day is the 15th”. I was ok I really don't care, F them, BUT they didn't think about the fact that the 15th was a week from the moment of them firing me, so after the call with HR, I sent a message to management on teams:
“As (boss) already informed you all, I've been let go, since I have X pending vacation days, I will take them now until the end of my contract, so this is officially my last working day. Hopefully you can find someone else to cover this weekend, and the night shift for the upcoming week. Good luck!!”

Before they kicked me out of the group chats I got to read Boss frantically asking for someone to volunteer for these shifts lmao 🤣

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