
Do I have a basis for discrimination or do I just deal with it until I can leave?

25m in Ohio, currently working on finishing a cyber security degree, working to pay bills, car, my puppy etc in the meantime. I got a (seemingly) decent job at a call center for a big ish company, but the office itself is only myself, K behind me, W who is new, S who has been there for 15~ years and L, my manager who is super tight with S since she’s been there so long. Basically, we have sheets and sheets of papers to go through to call people, but we also occasionally get calls TO us which are basically free “sales” and a privilege to take, so we’re supposed to rotate them between people. I am very easy going, laidback and I hate drama. I just want to work, make my money and go home. The thing is, our base pay is lower than McDonald’s until we make a…

25m in Ohio, currently working on finishing a cyber security degree, working to pay bills, car, my puppy etc in the meantime.
I got a (seemingly) decent job at a call center for a big ish company, but the office itself is only myself, K behind me, W who is new, S who has been there for 15~ years and L, my manager who is super tight with S since she’s been there so long.

Basically, we have sheets and sheets of papers to go through to call people, but we also occasionally get calls TO us which are basically free “sales” and a privilege to take, so we’re supposed to rotate them between people.

I am very easy going, laidback and I hate drama. I just want to work, make my money and go home. The thing is, our base pay is lower than McDonald’s until we make a couple sales.

I do everything that’s asked of me every day, constantly calling while S comes in 1-2 hours late, eats/talks on the phone with personal calls constantly until a call comes through to us and immediately grabs 3-4 in a row and then verbally throws a fit and has a tantrum (as a 50-60 y/o woman mind you) about how we’re not supposed to take these calls from certain people even though they all show up as the same number and we’ve had multiple meetings with the managers and the owner about how these things are supposed to go. She even whispers on the phone back there so L can’t hear but I can.

I finally had a meeting with L yesterday about my concerns and laid it all out for her, letting her also know I knew they were tight and I didn’t expect anything drastic, just to let her know I’m not dumb lol. She said she wouldn’t mention it until Monday and it would be better.

5 minutes after saying that L goes outside with S and cleaaarly tells her what I just said. Originally it was just L and S harassing K behind me for no reason, and I would try to neutrally support her without directly getting involved. Now, just because I want fairness for all of us, it’s crazy quiet, S won’t even look at me and still takes every call, even left 20 minutes into the shift to go get food for 40 minutes, comes back like nothing happened and does the same shit.

S has been making comments like I can’t wait until you’re gone, openly blaming K for “blowing up the bathroom” when S was just in there. The office radio is for “neutral music” but S only plays her station. I love rap but I don’t want to be hearing BLM protests at work every day. Also W has been here for only a week, and they funnel the good calls to him as well, I was here for a month and never got training until I did it myself.

For context, L, S, W are African American while K and I are white. I like L and W a lot but they let S make this an awful work environment for us.
I’ve been dealing with this for weeks and I only just yesterday considered it could be a race thing.
Does this seem discriminatory or are these just very rude/oblivious people?

Sorry about the wall of text. I’m just tired of being so broke and stressed all the time. Any advice is appreciated.

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