
The case for sharing positive work stories

I have been meaning to say something about this for a while, but as I've been seeing people posting less terrible stories about their work encounters getting shit on here, I feel now is as good as any. It is not only acceptable to share good stories, it is GOOD. It is beneficial to do so. But to make that case I need to ask one question. Are we a sub for whining? Or are we a sub that legitimately wants to improve our situation. I'm serious, which is it? If its the former, by all means, I'm wrong, keep your pity party. I enjoy watching text strings with people quitting as much as the next guy. But if our goal is to genuinely change things, our approach should reflect that. (Disclaimer, I am aware that this sub's original purpose has shifted over the years. It was once a proponent…

I have been meaning to say something about this for a while, but as I've been seeing people posting less terrible stories about their work encounters getting shit on here, I feel now is as good as any.

It is not only acceptable to share good stories, it is GOOD. It is beneficial to do so. But to make that case I need to ask one question.

Are we a sub for whining? Or are we a sub that legitimately wants to improve our situation. I'm serious, which is it? If its the former, by all means, I'm wrong, keep your pity party. I enjoy watching text strings with people quitting as much as the next guy. But if our goal is to genuinely change things, our approach should reflect that. (Disclaimer, I am aware that this sub's original purpose has shifted over the years. It was once a proponent of the literal “antiwork” movement that felt that people should not have to work to survive as human productivity has ballooned, working should be something you CAN do if you want better quality of life but not a requirement to live. Obviously it has shifted in the intervening years and I'm speaking to its current identity).

What are the 2 things every good boycott/strike asks? “What do we want”. And “when do we want it”.

If we actually hope to make change, we need to show the finish line. If we accept “all jobs are shit” then it becomes an EXCUSE for shitty jobs. “Well yeah, that job is shitty but every job is shitty so who cares”. Showing that it is possible to have a good job and a good relationship with your company and your boss and be treated with dignity is IMPORTANT. And showing examples of that are ALSO important. It is literally the “what do we want” part of the chant.

I am not saying only post positive stories. The contrast is what is important. But this sub needs to move from a pity party and into a group that can actually inspire change. We have about 3 million members. Much smaller reddit communities have created change. We need to be a resource for each other, we need to encourage people to stand up for themselves and make these stories go viral. I am not saying we stop sharing stories about shitty bosses. But don't attack people sharing positive stories. They are just as important.

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