
Should I narc on my coworker and myself?

Hello all. I seek guidance for my situation. I work in healthcare. A coworker (L) I was teamed up with one night pressured me into filming a tiktok for her. I objected and said I was uncomfortable, but she kept pushing and said “stop being so uptight” amongst other things. I am non-confrontational and a strict rule follower. L is very laidback and like a kid who never accepts being told no. It was in an empty waiting room, but she jumped off a couch for the video, which seemed excessive, but whatever it was done. Later on, she begged me to be in the video. Again I declined and worried about getting into trouble. Another coworker (S) walked in while I was talking and agreed, she also tried to warn L. However, I caved and L recorded a clip of me, I asked her to delete it, but she…

Hello all. I seek guidance for my situation.

I work in healthcare. A coworker (L) I was teamed up with one night pressured me into filming a tiktok for her. I objected and said I was uncomfortable, but she kept pushing and said “stop being so uptight” amongst other things. I am non-confrontational and a strict rule follower. L is very laidback and like a kid who never accepts being told no. It was in an empty waiting room, but she jumped off a couch for the video, which seemed excessive, but whatever it was done.

Later on, she begged me to be in the video. Again I declined and worried about getting into trouble. Another coworker (S) walked in while I was talking and agreed, she also tried to warn L. However, I caved and L recorded a clip of me, I asked her to delete it, but she said “no, I want to keep it for memories, but I won’t post it. No ones going to find out.”

Is this something I should report to my supervisor? I fear worst case is I’ll be fired. I’m more concerned with our supervisor finding out through the grapevine, but do I risk her not ever knowing? I’d rather be honest, it’s been plaguing my mind for the past week.

I did talk with S afterwards. S said she’d report L for bullying, as “that’s how she saw it from her perspective.” I admit it was a poor decision on my end to not stand my ground or literally walk away, but I felt so frozen and scared, I wasn’t sure what to do.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! Any input is appreciated. 🙂

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