
NJ Unemployment: what exactly counts as simple misconduct?

I’m reading up on the guideline and trying to understand what counts as simple misconduct? Context: my employer has been gunning for me. I’ve been written up 2x since early April due to “unprofessional conduct in the workplace” i.e, indirect co-workers have made claims that I gossip & have made them “uncomfortable”. When I’ve tried to defend myself, ask for evidence…I’ve been denied. My supervisor & HR told me that if I try to talk to anyone about these claims, “further disciplinary action will be taken”. To me, this is threatening behavior. Prior to this, the company had been micromanaging me, finding fault in every piece of work I do/submit and have given me “talking to’s”. This led me to file a complaint with HR in early April that I was being targeted & harassed thus, the write ups began afterwards. In fact, my first write up stemmed from my…

I’m reading up on the guideline and trying to understand what counts as simple misconduct?

Context: my employer has been gunning for me. I’ve been written up 2x since early April due to “unprofessional conduct in the workplace” i.e, indirect co-workers have made claims that I gossip & have made them “uncomfortable”. When I’ve tried to defend myself, ask for evidence…I’ve been denied. My supervisor & HR told me that if I try to talk to anyone about these claims, “further disciplinary action will be taken”. To me, this is threatening behavior.

Prior to this, the company had been micromanaging me, finding fault in every piece of work I do/submit and have given me “talking to’s”. This led me to file a complaint with HR in early April that I was being targeted & harassed thus, the write ups began afterwards. In fact, my first write up stemmed from my complaint! The company has come at me hard since then. I will not quit; I do believe they are trying to make me quit even though we are an at-will state. If they want me gone, they’ll have to fire me. I’ve looked into filing a complaint via Dept. of Labor for harassment & retaliation but I am unsure if I have enough documentation.

Can someone with experience with NJ unemployment help me to understand Simple misconduct?

I’ve never abandoned the job, refused duties, committed any crime (gross misconduct).

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