
Genuine question about US student loans

I'm European and I'm blown away by how expensive tuition is in America. I understand protesting for loan forgiveness, it only makes sense to not have to worry about that during your youth, but why are people not angry at colleges for charging so much? College where I live is around 900-1000$ for a whole year of study, and you don't even have to pay if you are in the top something % in your class, funded by the state. Please make me understand why college is so expensive in America and why people are not angry about the tuition prices as much.

I'm European and I'm blown away by how expensive tuition is in America. I understand protesting for loan forgiveness, it only makes sense to not have to worry about that during your youth, but why are people not angry at colleges for charging so much? College where I live is around 900-1000$ for a whole year of study, and you don't even have to pay if you are in the top something % in your class, funded by the state. Please make me understand why college is so expensive in America and why people are not angry about the tuition prices as much.

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