
I don’t care anymore – deceptive owner, power tripping manager, no integrity

I've lost my ability to care about my current job. There are 6 people in this company. If you take out the owner and his fiance (she probably works 10 hours a week) then we are down to 4 employees. 1 of those 4 is the owner's brother. That leaves me the creative director, a project manager, and this “manager” who is a glorified secretary. She is an ex-teacher so that might tell you everything you need to know about her. Always has to have control, talks to us like we are 8, etc. The power tripping manager loves assigning little bullshit forms for us to fill out. She sends out these recordings of herself addressing us as “Hey Team!”. You are literally talking to 3 people. The owner loves to go on Instagram and brag about how well the company is doing, how he is this visionary business owner…

I've lost my ability to care about my current job. There are 6 people in this company. If you take out the owner and his fiance (she probably works 10 hours a week) then we are down to 4 employees. 1 of those 4 is the owner's brother.

That leaves me the creative director, a project manager, and this “manager” who is a glorified secretary. She is an ex-teacher so that might tell you everything you need to know about her. Always has to have control, talks to us like we are 8, etc.
The power tripping manager loves assigning little bullshit forms for us to fill out. She sends out these recordings of herself addressing us as “Hey Team!”. You are literally talking to 3 people.

The owner loves to go on Instagram and brag about how well the company is doing, how he is this visionary business owner who is leading this great team. He recently did an interview with a local business magazine about how well the company is doing. So, naturally, when it came time for mid year reviews about 2 weeks ago, there were no raises to give. Compared to last year, we have added over 40 clients YTD. I asked about a 4% inflation raise and was told that wasn't available either.

You would think this would push me over the edge…I mean I immediately started looking for jobs…but what this power tripping manager does next made me want to quit on the spot. She has now implemented a TWICE DAILY email that is to be sent to her – one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

The prompt – “How are you going to Get, Keep, and Grow our customers today? What are your 6-8 objectives-things you want to accomplish-today?” Then at the end of the work day send her another email addressing if you got your objectives done. This is supposed to be done EVERY DAY. If I got that raise, maybe I would do it. But it sounds like a bunch of busy work to inflate her own position if you ask me.

Today is the first day. We have a meeting at 11am. I'm not doing the email and thinking about quitting live on the Zoom call.

If you think I'm being dramatic – I could go on for pages about this company and the bullshit they pull. This is a small glimpse into the nonsense. For fuck's sake, they recently took “Integrity” out of the core values and changed it to “Innovation” because the “integrity” is supposed to be a given. I think they took it out because they have none. The owner will literally tell a client anything they want to hear to get them to sign up. His idol is Jordan from Wolf of Wall Street. He just lies and cheats his way through life and I am sick of it.

Can anyone else out there relate?

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