
got fired without notice for watching a disney series at work

yeah i get it. unprofessional, completely my fault, not contesting it. i don't see why they couldn't at least give me two weeks notice considering the stuff ive put up with for the past six months. 1) i got trained by someone who was hired a month before me. i had foolishly assumed that we would be trained at the same time but i showed up and our boss… wasn't there. i brought this up. they apologized. but then #2 happened. 2) i was employed as the general grocery buyer. i bought dry goods, frozen foods, and non alcoholic drinks. nothing to do with making coffee or fresh sandwiches. on two separate occasions, a new hire came to me for help setting up the sandwich counter and cafe because their managers apparently hadnt given them a tour of the store??? these managers were also never scheduled until after 8 and…

yeah i get it. unprofessional, completely my fault, not contesting it. i don't see why they couldn't at least give me two weeks notice considering the stuff ive put up with for the past six months.

1) i got trained by someone who was hired a month before me. i had foolishly assumed that we would be trained at the same time but i showed up and our boss… wasn't there. i brought this up. they apologized. but then #2 happened.

2) i was employed as the general grocery buyer. i bought dry goods, frozen foods, and non alcoholic drinks. nothing to do with making coffee or fresh sandwiches. on two separate occasions, a new hire came to me for help setting up the sandwich counter and cafe because their managers apparently hadnt given them a tour of the store??? these managers were also never scheduled until after 8 and i had my own department so it was just these poor newbies trying to get their stations ready and occasionally throwing me questions i really wished i could answer. i had complained about this in writing, but received no answer because i got fired.

3) i lost my car at around the 3 month mark and couldnt afford another. i told them of my situation and asked for more hours to try and get a down payment at least, but was refused. fair enough. i ended up borrowing a family's member's car for 2 days only because parking is expensive. the other 3 i took an hour long commute by catching the train at 4:30 in the morning, then walked 20 minutes the rest of the way to open the store at 5:30 or 6am. when i brought my extended commute time as the reason i seemed “unenergetic” they were shocked. shocked!!! until i pointed out that i had told them months ago, in writing, that i lost my car and would be commuting, and they changed the subject.

4) i kept my mouth shut about the mouse problem.

the series was loki, btw. pretty good, i enjoyed it very much. for some reason #4 makes me feel… mischievous.

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