
I just don’t want to do this anymore

I hate my job. It’s not that bad my boss is super nice and I work at a “fun” place. However, the pay is not terrible, they ask a lot, it also requires a bachelors degree but most folks here have at least a masters but it’s not something I can keep doing for the rest of my life. But I feel stuck people tell me to go back to school but I’m so lucky that because of my socioeconomic background I got financial aid and finished my BS debt free. I don’t want to go back and end up in debt and still not able get a job. I just don’t want to work. I just don’t want to do this anymore.

I hate my job. It’s not that bad my boss is super nice and I work at a “fun” place. However, the pay is not terrible, they ask a lot, it also requires a bachelors degree but most folks here have at least a masters but it’s not something I can keep doing for the rest of my life. But I feel stuck people tell me to go back to school but I’m so lucky that because of my socioeconomic background I got financial aid and finished my BS debt free. I don’t want to go back and end up in debt and still not able get a job. I just don’t want to work. I just don’t want to do this anymore.

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