
Months on the Job search

I don't know what to do at this point. It genuinely seems like no one is hiring anymore or they just don't want me. I still haven't been able to land a job after months on the market. I can't even get an interview anymore. I've even applied to places I've worked for in the past that I left in good standing. Nothing. I really don't want to work food or retail again but I've been applying to them because I have no choice. Still can't land anything. I'm in a really rough financial situation now and my mental health is basically destroyed. It just all feels hopeless.

I don't know what to do at this point. It genuinely seems like no one is hiring anymore or they just don't want me. I still haven't been able to land a job after months on the market. I can't even get an interview anymore. I've even applied to places I've worked for in the past that I left in good standing. Nothing. I really don't want to work food or retail again but I've been applying to them because I have no choice. Still can't land anything. I'm in a really rough financial situation now and my mental health is basically destroyed. It just all feels hopeless.

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