
I’ll feel bad if I quit since my already stressed coworkers will be burdened even more

Long story short, job isn’t my cup of tea. Lots of travel, unpredictability, bad organization and I’m no longer even seeing the point in what I do. For the first year being fresh out of college it was good learning experience to soak up a lot of things. But I just don’t wanna deal with this company anymore and find something with more predictable routine or remote for same or better pay, which shouldn’t be super hard to do. Problem is, I wear my “professional self” at work at all times, never bitch to my bosses or coworkers and always act pleasant and positive minded despite all the crap going on. So I feel like once I line up a new offer and give them my 2 weeks notice, shit will hit the fan as they won’t see it coming, they’ll probably not like me as a person anymore, and…

Long story short, job isn’t my cup of tea. Lots of travel, unpredictability, bad organization and I’m no longer even seeing the point in what I do. For the first year being fresh out of college it was good learning experience to soak up a lot of things. But I just don’t wanna deal with this company anymore and find something with more predictable routine or remote for same or better pay, which shouldn’t be super hard to do.

Problem is, I wear my “professional self” at work at all times, never bitch to my bosses or coworkers and always act pleasant and positive minded despite all the crap going on. So I feel like once I line up a new offer and give them my 2 weeks notice, shit will hit the fan as they won’t see it coming, they’ll probably not like me as a person anymore, and stress them out even more.

I know it’s not my problem as it stems much deeper than me as the company has its own issues driving the high turnover, but I still feel bad about getting out of the BS and leaving the other people to deal with it, especially since I don’t hate any of my bosses or coworkers. I just don’t like the job anymore and want to leave guilt free.

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