
refused to sign the employment extension contract, so now they’re calling to persuade me

I thought I could just let my contract end quietly in August, but when I told them I wasn't going to sign the extension contract, they started calling me and persuading me if I could just sign, it would give them time to look for my replacement*, or if they could possibly transfer me to a different school. My employment situation is a bit different in that I'm hired by a company that trains and deploys me out to schools, so I spend pretty much all my time at that school. I don't work in the company office building itself. So most of my beef with the job is with my current school. They started asking why I wanted to quit and I told them I've already given lots of feedback about the workload and lack of compromise on the part of the school, and frankly, I just hated this…

I thought I could just let my contract end quietly in August, but when I told them I wasn't going to sign the extension contract, they started calling me and persuading me if I could just sign, it would give them time to look for my replacement*, or if they could possibly transfer me to a different school.

My employment situation is a bit different in that I'm hired by a company that trains and deploys me out to schools, so I spend pretty much all my time at that school. I don't work in the company office building itself. So most of my beef with the job is with my current school. They started asking why I wanted to quit and I told them I've already given lots of feedback about the workload and lack of compromise on the part of the school, and frankly, I just hated this school and wanted out as soon as possible. Maybe that wasn't the best thing to say, but I've been incredibly angry ever since they moved me here.

It gives me mad anxiety that my company is now planning to call me multiple times to try and negotiate something with me, and a small part of me wants to just cave and sign the contract because the idea of being hassled so much is kicking my anxiety's butt. I feel stuck and confused. I know I'm supposed to stay strong, I just needed a place to vent. This is my first ''proper'' job after graduating so I'm just feeling overwhelmed.

*if I signed and stayed on to give them time to look for my replacement, I pointed out that I didn't know how long that would take, and I might be stuck here for another few months. Not only that, the notice period is 1 month. It would take me way too long, in my opinion, to get out of here.

Oh, if my post is confusing please go ahead and ask me for context, I'm having trouble sorting out my thoughts in this post

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