
Job wants my team to work 7 days a week, is that legal?

For context, I live on Guam (US territory). Can’t find anywhere on google so coming here. My coworkers and I work part-time as lifeguards. We are in the sun, swimming in the ocean with tourists (leading tours), and carrying heavy gear long distances. My boss informed me that we are opening up 7 days a week, which means almost everyone on my team will HAVE to work 7 days a week, as we are understaffed. To me, I think we just shouldn’t be opening that often since we are understaffed. But my boss says since “we are part time anyways,” we should be okay with it. It’s just an exhausting job. And on my days off I tutor and I’m not willing to blow off my students for $12/hr at a tiring job. Kind of venting, but also seeking advice/knowledge. The state I am from originally made this illegal, so…

For context, I live on Guam (US territory). Can’t find anywhere on google so coming here. My coworkers and I work part-time as lifeguards. We are in the sun, swimming in the ocean with tourists (leading tours), and carrying heavy gear long distances. My boss informed me that we are opening up 7 days a week, which means almost everyone on my team will HAVE to work 7 days a week, as we are understaffed. To me, I think we just shouldn’t be opening that often since we are understaffed. But my boss says since “we are part time anyways,” we should be okay with it. It’s just an exhausting job. And on my days off I tutor and I’m not willing to blow off my students for $12/hr at a tiring job. Kind of venting, but also seeking advice/knowledge. The state I am from originally made this illegal, so I am hoping it might be here on Guam too.

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