
Unfathomable disconnect

My SO works for a major bank.. And she's trying to help the front line staff. When these calls happen I am usually around to hear them. I get to listen to these lazy six figure ass holes sitting around in their underwear in the comfort of their own home talk about how PT tellers should be trained in other duties so they're not just standing around when nobody is in the branch.. And then lose their minds when non of the tellers want to work 5- 3 hour shifts, instead of 2- 7.5s, because they have other jobs.. Unbelievable…

My SO works for a major bank.. And she's trying to help the front line staff. When these calls happen I am usually around to hear them.

I get to listen to these lazy six figure ass holes sitting around in their underwear in the comfort of their own home talk about how PT tellers should be trained in other duties so they're not just standing around when nobody is in the branch..

And then lose their minds when non of the tellers want to work 5- 3 hour shifts, instead of 2- 7.5s, because they have other jobs..


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