
Don’t make me harass people…

I thought I got my foot in the door. I got my own office. I worked in education. Finally, a fulfilling job. The supervision seemed minimal too. I got lots of praise for being organized and fast. I was hired on with another woman and they got rid of her a month in. At first I thought this was a great sign, but everything got worse. No one else was hired. I got no raise or even a promise of a raise. I had a work laptop and phone, but the managers stopped answering my questions. It was very strange. Instead I asked my new coworkers for help. They worked for other branches, but their advice seemed sound. Doing computer meetings wasn't bad, just unfamiliar. Then weird stuff started happening. The staff were blamed for low enrollment rates. Even staff members that weren't involved in the enrollment or counseling process.…

I thought I got my foot in the door. I got my own office. I worked in education. Finally, a fulfilling job. The supervision seemed minimal too. I got lots of praise for being organized and fast. I was hired on with another woman and they got rid of her a month in. At first I thought this was a great sign, but everything got worse. No one else was hired. I got no raise or even a promise of a raise. I had a work laptop and phone, but the managers stopped answering my questions. It was very strange. Instead I asked my new coworkers for help. They worked for other branches, but their advice seemed sound. Doing computer meetings wasn't bad, just unfamiliar.
Then weird stuff started happening. The staff were blamed for low enrollment rates. Even staff members that weren't involved in the enrollment or counseling process. Unprofessional swearing in meetings worsened until it wasn't a joke anymore. Entire weeks went by with no response from the managers when I texted them.
When I was fired I got zero warning.
An app was watching me. Recording every call I did. Apparently I wasn't selling aggressively enough. They told me to call people who no longer wanted to be called. They told me to call people who had submitted their information years ago. When I asked for advice I got silence, and they chose to spy instead. They quite literally expected me to figure out what they wanted by magic.
I saw the signs I just didn't want to admit it.
I read through my contract. I was given no required quota. Only a list of possible bonuses for enrolling students. Apparently I didn't meet an invisible quota I wasn't told about. I admit I lost motivation too. Being told to harass people took alot out of me. I know they noticed I lost some of my drive, but why cut me out of the conversation? I was most likely cut because they couldn't afford to keep me. The money situation on their end seemed desperate, but I still blame myself. If I had workered harder maybe I'd still have a job.

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