
How do you maintain a work/life balance while working weekends?

My dream job is to work in a museum and has been since I graduated college over 2 years ago. Since then I have been working an office job, from 8-4 on workdays M-F. Lately I've been thinking about leaving this job as it is pretty soul-crushing, but it has allowed me to leave at 4:00 everyday, go home, have a life, and not think about anything work-related until the next morning. With this new museum job, however (and every museum job, really), weekends are required as that is just simply when the museum operates. I have a fiancé and a dog at home and we have plans with friends/family almost every weekend and am worried I will have to sacrifice my life outside of work if I want to even consider this new job. How do people do this? Any advice?

My dream job is to work in a museum and has been since I graduated college over 2 years ago. Since then I have been working an office job, from 8-4 on workdays M-F. Lately I've been thinking about leaving this job as it is pretty soul-crushing, but it has allowed me to leave at 4:00 everyday, go home, have a life, and not think about anything work-related until the next morning. With this new museum job, however (and every museum job, really), weekends are required as that is just simply when the museum operates. I have a fiancé and a dog at home and we have plans with friends/family almost every weekend and am worried I will have to sacrifice my life outside of work if I want to even consider this new job. How do people do this? Any advice?

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