
I was told I sound uneducated

I had a performance review and I am currently in school for a bachelor's degree. I also hold an associate's degree and will be graduating this December with my bachelor's. My bosses told me I sound uneducated (and especially so when I say naughty no no words(their words)) and that I should change the way I speak and present myself so my perception is changed. Should I be as offended or is my wife right and they have a point?

I had a performance review and I am currently in school for a bachelor's degree. I also hold an associate's degree and will be graduating this December with my bachelor's.

My bosses told me I sound uneducated (and especially so when I say naughty no no words(their words)) and that I should change the way I speak and present myself so my perception is changed. Should I be as offended or is my wife right and they have a point?

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