
Can we force the boomers to retire yet?

I just had a severely frustrating call at the end of an extremely frustrating day. I take IT support calls for a U.S. company, and this was the lovely exchange I had today. ​ Caller: I’ve been away for a while and I need to run a quote. Me: No problem, are you already logged in at {company website}? Caller: No, where do I go? Me: You’d want to head over to {company website} in your web browser. Caller: My what?!?! How do I do that? Me: ……{blinking gif as I have a small aneurism} ​ Can we all band together and fix this economy, if for no other reason than so these boomers (who haven’t been technologically competent since fax machines were a breakthrough technology) can finally retire? This is absolutely maddening and makes everyone’s day who has to support them more tedious.

I just had a severely frustrating call at the end of an extremely frustrating day. I take IT support calls for a U.S. company, and this was the lovely exchange I had today.

Caller: I’ve been away for a while and I need to run a quote.

Me: No problem, are you already logged in at {company website}?

Caller: No, where do I go?

Me: You’d want to head over to {company website} in your web browser.

Caller: My what?!?! How do I do that?

Me: ……{blinking gif as I have a small aneurism}

Can we all band together and fix this economy, if for no other reason than so these boomers (who haven’t been technologically competent since fax machines were a breakthrough technology) can finally retire? This is absolutely maddening and makes everyone’s day who has to support them more tedious.

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