
Will using sick time affect my new job?

Hello everyone, quick question for you all. I currently work for a contracting company for call center work. Currently in Arizona and I am work from home. I've been here since 2019. My company let us know today that our contract will be ending with the client we currently work for. But good news the client will be accepting most to us to actually work at their company with better benefits etc. Since I have been working here so long I accrued up to 45 hours of sick time. I was told via HR that calling out/using PTO will look poorly against us to the new client if we call out and use sick time. And that using this time may make the client not want to hire us. I asked several times about the sick time considering I thought we could use it at anytime with no penalty, I…

Hello everyone, quick question for you all. I currently work for a contracting company for call center work. Currently in Arizona and I am work from home. I've been here since 2019. My company let us know today that our contract will be ending with the client we currently work for. But good news the client will be accepting most to us to actually work at their company with better benefits etc. Since I have been working here so long I accrued up to 45 hours of sick time. I was told via HR that calling out/using PTO will look poorly against us to the new client if we call out and use sick time. And that using this time may make the client not want to hire us. I asked several times about the sick time considering I thought we could use it at anytime with no penalty, I would like to take my hours of sick time before moving to the new company within the next 2 months. I know sick time here will not be paid out, only vacation. I am starting to assume they just want us there to take the calls and trying to get us all not to us our sick time all at the same times. Is my employer allowed to report my sick time to my new employer to advise them against me getting hired there? And any advice? I really would like the job with this client considering I am one of the most tenured and knowledge employees at the company currently for this client. But also don't think its very fair that I just have to give up an entire week of pay just to look good.

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