
Tree fell on our home… this is what happened next…

We’re in the busy season at work and understandably, no one has any “free time”. After spending Monday morning trying to get some time with my managers, I finally tell my boss “I don’t need to talk about reports and case files, but I do need to tell you about a tree falling on my house and the impact that could have”. Boss makes 5 mins to chat. Tells me “sucks. You should turn your focus to work”. Which I get…. But when I tell you I’m basically homeless (we are staying with family until the insurance adjuster is able to come out and do their investigation) and that rather than drop work to do what I SHOULD to make sure my family is okay, you tell me to suck it up and “figure it out on your own time”…. Doesn’t really do much to enforce your standing as a…

We’re in the busy season at work and understandably, no one has any “free time”. After spending Monday morning trying to get some time with my managers, I finally tell my boss “I don’t need to talk about reports and case files, but I do need to tell you about a tree falling on my house and the impact that could have”. Boss makes 5 mins to chat. Tells me “sucks. You should turn your focus to work”. Which I get…. But when I tell you I’m basically homeless (we are staying with family until the insurance adjuster is able to come out and do their investigation) and that rather than drop work to do what I SHOULD to make sure my family is okay, you tell me to suck it up and “figure it out on your own time”…. Doesn’t really do much to enforce your standing as a “fearless leader”.

The standard burnout and “on-to-greener-pastures” period is 18 months. My team has rotated out approximately 6 people in less than 5 years (2 of them since I’ve been there). I’m the only dude on my 5-person team (Me, 2 coworkers, and managers), and only one with an infant. I make what used to feel like it was comfortable money (below 50k a year), but also drive 2 hours a day. I’m at 18 months in my role without a vacation.

This is the same organization that encouraged me to come in during my 2 week unpaid “paternity” leave – “The expectation is that everyone runs their own cases; don’t expect your teammates to take on your cases while you’re gone…they’ve got their own”.

I’ve tried to make sure I am available to assist the team with wrapping up their cases, my cases, and any special projects from my managers to help the team continue to close cases and keep our KPI’s good.

My boss has started giving me the evil eye and mean mugging, and even felt it appropriate to talk down to me in front of one of our inspectors / investigators. It made them uncomfortable to the point that they chose to leave instead of trying to support me.

When I started, this was the best money I had earned in my adult life. With driving time, time lost with my family, driving expenses, the strain on my relationship with my wife and my mental health (I spend more time apologizing for venting and seeking affirmation that I’m an okay dad and husband, than anyone should), the fact I cry like a child atleast 2x a week on my way in or on my way home, and that my “lost” income / money spent driving is equal to 25% of my income (approximately 12,000$ USD a year)…

I think it’s time to go.

Just looking for some support. Thanks.

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