
Is this ‘retaliation’ from my manager?

Long story short, my manager agreed to give me morning shifts and told me she would do her best to make my schedule consistent. Last week she gave me an evening shift in spite of what I told her. And then I agreed to switch shifts with someone because she said she had an appointment at 3 the next day she didn't want to miss. I do not drive myself to work. The person that brings me to and from work had an appointment at 8AM, so the shift I originally had that started at 8 would've conflicted with that. So, yeah, in order not to have a conflicting schedule, I switched. But then the manager comes up to me like 'I heard you took such and such's shift, I thought you said you only want morning shift.' as if to suggest that I was like, a liar for saying…

Long story short, my manager agreed to give me morning shifts and told me she would do her best to make my schedule consistent. Last week she gave me an evening shift in spite of what I told her. And then I agreed to switch shifts with someone because she said she had an appointment at 3 the next day she didn't want to miss. I do not drive myself to work. The person that brings me to and from work had an appointment at 8AM, so the shift I originally had that started at 8 would've conflicted with that. So, yeah, in order not to have a conflicting schedule, I switched. But then the manager comes up to me like 'I heard you took such and such's shift, I thought you said you only want morning shift.' as if to suggest that I was like, a liar for saying that I'd prefer morning shifts when she's the one that gave me the first evening shift despite our conversation.

So she posts the schedule for next week and it’s all evening shifts, every single day is an evening shift even though I told her my circumstances, personal matters which I didn’t even owe her bc that’s not smth she needs to know. I talked to her and she told me if I can't do it I need to switch shifts with people. For multiple days? How would I do that? This is a part-time job and I'm making very little money, and I'm just not sure what to do here. She absolutely talked with me about what I can and can't do with scheduling. She agreed with giving me the shifts we talked about. What next?

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