
Non-compete woes.

Hello all. I’ve worked for a small town mom and pop business for nearly my whole life. Started in 1999 through a co-op program at my school. For a time I was the only employee. I dedicated my youth to helping the owner to train the constant flow of employees that would come through the company like a revolving door. I worked so much that I was not there to see my two girls grow up, mostly missing there childhoods so that I could help the company. At one time me and the owner were close. He was my best man when I married my wife. I knew his children since they were pre pubescent. I left that company to pursue other things around 2016 but came back around the end of 2019. When I started I signed a noncompete that stated I would not work for any of his…

Hello all. I’ve worked for a small town mom and pop business for nearly my whole life. Started in 1999 through a co-op program at my school. For a time I was the only employee. I dedicated my youth to helping the owner to train the constant flow of employees that would come through the company like a revolving door.

I worked so much that I was not there to see my two girls grow up, mostly missing there childhoods so that I could help the company. At one time me and the owner were close. He was my best man when I married my wife. I knew his children since they were pre pubescent.

I left that company to pursue other things around 2016 but came back around the end of 2019. When I started I signed a noncompete that stated I would not work for any of his customers.

A year ago I separated from my wife. The trauma from all the years spent away coupled with the drug use from living a life style of working long shifts and the type of people that are drawn to company’s like this. I only had a few hundred dollars left each month after rent, bills and gas money. I was lost, depressed and thinking of suicide as the only future I had.

That’s when I was approached by a customer of the company for a job that could pay 6 figures and allow me after 40 years of life to finally have a job to allow me to purchase a house. My dreams were coming true.

After only two days of working at my new job I received a letter from the company’s lawyer telling me to quit. As well my employer got a letter telling them to fire me. This story is so much deeper then this. The former employer lives in a glass house and shouldn’t throw stones.

I hope someone here could give me some advice. I can go more into it as well but for now I still have a good job and it’s time to go to work.


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