
Quota system with my company. Need advice.

My jobs quota requirement is a minimum of 1000 “items” per month AND a minimum of 9 items per hour. If I take 2 weeks of pto I still have to hit that monthly minimum of 1000 but in two weeks. I obliviously can hit the items per hour minimum in those 2 weeks but not the 1000 per month minimum. I then would get a write up for underperformance for that month. Is this fucked? This was pushed by middle management. Should I get it in writing? Complain to HR? Seems insanely unfair. Like it's designed to make people hesitate taking time off.

My jobs quota requirement is a minimum of 1000 “items” per month AND a minimum of 9 items per hour. If I take 2 weeks of pto I still have to hit that monthly minimum of 1000 but in two weeks. I obliviously can hit the items per hour minimum in those 2 weeks but not the 1000 per month minimum. I then would get a write up for underperformance for that month. Is this fucked? This was pushed by middle management. Should I get it in writing? Complain to HR? Seems insanely unfair. Like it's designed to make people hesitate taking time off.

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