
Creepy small biz boss

Until a few months ago there was an old guy in my town who owned a walking tours business on some of the forest trails here for tourists, he had run the biz for 20 years. He was about 70 and would find people to work for him as guides, suspicously always women age 20s-30s and also teen girls. My friends sisters daughter is 12 and he approached her with an offer of 40$ cash an hour as a “kids guide” in the school holidays to assist with clients kids. She worked for him for 2 days before quitting. Apparently he kept rubbing her leg when driving with him and told her she had strong legs. On the second day he came up behind her in the forest, held her close and started kissing her hair. He held her like that for over 5 minutes kissing her hair and her…

Until a few months ago there was an old guy in my town who owned a walking tours business on some of the forest trails here for tourists, he had run the biz for 20 years. He was about 70 and would find people to work for him as guides, suspicously always women age 20s-30s and also teen girls.

My friends sisters daughter is 12 and he approached her with an offer of 40$ cash an hour as a “kids guide” in the school holidays to assist with clients kids. She worked for him for 2 days before quitting. Apparently he kept rubbing her leg when driving with him and told her she had strong legs. On the second day he came up behind her in the forest, held her close and started kissing her hair. He held her like that for over 5 minutes kissing her hair and her neck before letting go. He then told her if he was her age he would “chase you down and kiss you every day at school because you are so beautiful”.

After she came out about what he did my friends sister made a facebook post about him and a lot of other women who had worked for him over the past 20 years said similar things happened, he never raped anyone but he liked to touch their bodies and would kiss them every morning and when they went home. He told one woman she needed to let him massage her feet after a walk before she was given her paycheck and when she refused he fired her plus paid her nothing. The entire business seems to have been a front for this predator to creep on young women.

He was run out of town which is awesome, but people are discussing going to the police about him to stop him setting up in another place.

Gross story I know but the whole debacle just reinforced to me how small businesses are so often the worst places to work.

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